Sunday, February 16, 2014

Be open to it.

When Columbus reached America, he called the Native Americans Indians, because he intended to reach India. He did not, in fact, reach India. And Native Americans, therefore, are not Indians.
Personally, I do not get too hung up on Political Correctness because people will always find a way to be offended. I do, however, place importance on respect.
The point about Columbus, however, is not the offense, but rather the ignorance and force. Columbus explored the world-- but with expectation, and when the expectations were not met, they were forced anyway. And although we now know that it was incorrect, we still let the falsehood hold strong.

Sometimes our expectations get in the way of our happiness. We allow them to become the outline for happiness and find ourselves facing disappointment when things go differently. Sometimes the greatest happiness comes from being open and spontaneous.

Most people hate correction. We hate to be told that we are wrong. And sometimes "wrong" is merely a matter of opinion. But, it is an opinion, so it is appropriate to listen and try to understand it. People offer correction because they see things differently. Be open to other people's points of view. It might make things easier or help you to better express yourself or be more effective. But never let someone change who you are.
It is important to be who you are.

The whole universe depends on everything fitting together just right. If one piece busts, even the smallest piece... the entire universe will get busted.
Beasts of the Southern Wild

If you are loud, if you are bold, if you are defiant, if you are strong, if you are persuasive, that is good. If you are meek, if you are submissive, if you are gentle, if you are relaxed, that is good. If you are funny, if you are adventurous, if you are wild, if you are spontaneous, that is good. If you are focused, if you are ambitious, if you are strong willed, if you are empowered, that is good. If you are some of it all, that is good.
You have to own who you are, because you belong to no one else. Learning to reign yourself in will prove to be useful in coexistence, though.

Remember who you are, but be open to change, be open to different outcomes, be open to opinions and corrections. Explore and be open to discovery!

Are you happy? Smile. Are you sad? Cry. Are you angry? Shout. But always remember that your actions carry consequences and you do not live alone in this world.

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