Google defines pollution as: the presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance or thing that has harmful or poisonous effects.
We always find pollution equated with the environment or atmosphere, but it is more commonly achieved within our own beings.
Pollution is poison.
Poison doesn't only come from wild berries or arsenic... It consists of the things we ingest that pollute our being-- lies, hatred, degradation, harm, mind altering substances, jealousy, negativity. These things eat away at life. We poison ourselves daily as we hurt other people, as we refuse to forgive, as we fill our minds with images that promote destruction and violence, as we envy the things other people have, as we resort to technology and materials to provide happiness, as we drink away our sorrows.
We all ingest our own form of poison that inhibits us from living fully. I think the strongest poison we ingest is hatred.
“Hatred eats the soul of the hater, not the hated.”
― Alice Herz Sommer (Holocaust survivor)
Sometimes before you can love something, you need to recognize that you hate it. But then, you need to get over the hatred and choose to love. In all things we have a choice. Choose to love. Love the people you are with. Love the things you are doing. Love beauty and nature around you. Love the knowledge you are gaining. With love there is no room for jealousy or hate or envy or meanness.
I think when all is said and done, we all want happiness. We all try to find it in our own way... Through family, money, fame, helping... but the true way to happiness is to love. The only way to be happy is to rid yourself of hate. There are a million things to hate in this world and a million petty complaints you can make each day. Or you can choose to truly enjoy all that you have. There is beauty in everything.
This is life. Don't let it be filled with poison. Love it.
Darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that.
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
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