Sunday, May 25, 2014

Don't restrict it.

Life is the wonderful conglomeration of a series of unique occasions.

Think about that: no moment will compare to the one before it or after it.
Because the world will continue to spin and evolve. After all, we are merely guests on this planet. The one thing we are truly given here is time. Everything else is the product of it.

Time is constant; it will continue to pass regardless of our situations, regardless of our happiness, regardless of our desire. There is no sense in pleading for time to pass more slowly or more quickly. There is no point in rushing time or trying to hold onto it.
“Things" will never be done. You will never “get there.” And time will keep passing.

I say we will never "get there," but a like how A.A. Milne puts it better: 
"Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there someday."

Someday. It is not a defined limit or destination. It is just when it is. Do we put too many restrictions on our time? Do we rush too much?
We take the highway instead of the scenic route.
We use self check out instead of talking to the cashier.
We buy fast passes to skip the line at amusement parks.
We take moving walkways to get through the airport quicker. 

Why do we feel the need to fast-forward life? I say, "We have nothing but time," and people with due dates and deadlines scoff at me. However, those things are the limitations of life. (And don't get me wrong, they are important!) But the freedom of life comes when you take the time restrictions away from everything else.
If you don't finish your yard work to help your elderly neighbor, if you don't get to your point in a conversation, if you take longer to arrive somewhere because you stopped to pick strawberries, if you miss exercising because you went out to breakfast with a friend, if your walk takes longer because you stopped to look at the sky and smell a flower... you have lived well. 

Think back on the best times of your life.
Generally they weren't done "on-time," and time didn't matter anyway. Generally, they are the times when you free yourself of the restrictions of time. 
You need to know that this time you are in, it’s all you’ve got. There are no guarantees and EVERYTHING is liable to change with time. So where you are, take your time. Enjoy your time. Cherish your time. This is life, don't restrict it.  

Friday, April 25, 2014

Love it.

Google defines pollution as: the presence in or introduction into the environment of a substance or thing that has harmful or poisonous effects.

We always find pollution equated with the environment or atmosphere, but it is more commonly achieved within our own beings. 

Pollution is poison. 

Poison doesn't only come from wild berries or arsenic... It consists of the things we ingest that pollute our being-- lies, hatred, degradation, harm, mind altering substances, jealousy, negativity. These things eat away at life. We poison ourselves daily as we hurt other people, as we refuse to forgive, as we fill our minds with images that promote destruction and violence, as we envy the things other people have, as we resort to technology and materials to provide happiness, as we drink away our sorrows. 

We all ingest our own form of poison that inhibits us from living fully. I think the strongest poison we ingest is hatred.

“Hatred eats the soul of the hater, not the hated.” 
― Alice Herz Sommer (Holocaust survivor)

Sometimes before you can love something, you need to recognize that you hate it. But then, you need to get over the hatred and choose to love. In all things we have a choice. Choose to love. Love the people you are with. Love the things you are doing. Love beauty and nature around you. Love the knowledge you are gaining. With love there is no room for jealousy or hate or envy or meanness. 

I think when all is said and done, we all want happiness. We all try to find it in our own way... Through family, money, fame, helping... but the true way to happiness is to love. The only way to be happy is to rid yourself of hate. There are a million things to hate in this world and a million petty complaints you can make each day. Or you can choose to truly enjoy all that you have. There is beauty in everything. 
This is life. Don't let it be filled with poison. Love it.

Darkness cannot drive out darkness. Only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate. Only love can do that. 
-Martin Luther King, Jr.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Be open to it.

When Columbus reached America, he called the Native Americans Indians, because he intended to reach India. He did not, in fact, reach India. And Native Americans, therefore, are not Indians.
Personally, I do not get too hung up on Political Correctness because people will always find a way to be offended. I do, however, place importance on respect.
The point about Columbus, however, is not the offense, but rather the ignorance and force. Columbus explored the world-- but with expectation, and when the expectations were not met, they were forced anyway. And although we now know that it was incorrect, we still let the falsehood hold strong.

Sometimes our expectations get in the way of our happiness. We allow them to become the outline for happiness and find ourselves facing disappointment when things go differently. Sometimes the greatest happiness comes from being open and spontaneous.

Most people hate correction. We hate to be told that we are wrong. And sometimes "wrong" is merely a matter of opinion. But, it is an opinion, so it is appropriate to listen and try to understand it. People offer correction because they see things differently. Be open to other people's points of view. It might make things easier or help you to better express yourself or be more effective. But never let someone change who you are.
It is important to be who you are.

The whole universe depends on everything fitting together just right. If one piece busts, even the smallest piece... the entire universe will get busted.
Beasts of the Southern Wild

If you are loud, if you are bold, if you are defiant, if you are strong, if you are persuasive, that is good. If you are meek, if you are submissive, if you are gentle, if you are relaxed, that is good. If you are funny, if you are adventurous, if you are wild, if you are spontaneous, that is good. If you are focused, if you are ambitious, if you are strong willed, if you are empowered, that is good. If you are some of it all, that is good.
You have to own who you are, because you belong to no one else. Learning to reign yourself in will prove to be useful in coexistence, though.

Remember who you are, but be open to change, be open to different outcomes, be open to opinions and corrections. Explore and be open to discovery!

Are you happy? Smile. Are you sad? Cry. Are you angry? Shout. But always remember that your actions carry consequences and you do not live alone in this world.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Face It.

"Timon: Look, kid. Bad things happen, and you can't do anything about it. Right?
Simba: Right.
Timon: Wrong! When the world turns its back on you, you turn your back on the world." 
-The Lion King

Within life there are circumstances and rules and boundaries that you will not like or want to accept or meet. There is no real winning at life, because, although Milton Bradley may think other wise, life is not a game. It is a rare and beautiful gift. The way to win is to be yourself among the rules and boundaries, to challenge what you don't believe in, do the best you can always, accept the consequences when you make a mistake, and never lose heart. 

When you turn your back on life, along with robbing others of the pleasure of knowing you, you are most importantly thieving yourself. When you give up because of circumstance, you are giving up on yourself. You are losing heart and putting aside all you care about and believe in. 

There are wicked things happening in today's world. There are also things you just don't like. We need to face it. Look the world and the circumstances boldly in the face and stand tall. Fight when that is what is right, and work through your circumstances when that is what is right. If you need to accept it, even if you don't like it, do so with heart. 

"They can't do that. It's the one thing they can't do. They can torture you, make you say anything. But they can't make you believe it. They can't get inside you. They can't get to your heart."
-George Orwell, 1984

There is no perfect circumstance. And if you step back to look at it, your circumstances are probably a lot better than you think. Remember that nothing is as detrimental as it initially seems. Remember who you are. Take responsibility for yourself. You are in charge of you; to blame other people and turn your back is only poisonous to you. 

This is a real heart; it's purpose is to pump blood throughout the body. It is the link to existence and the strength of life. Take care of the heart. 
This is life. Face it with heart. 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Enjoy it.

"What I wish for all students is some release from the clammy grip of the future. I wish them a chance to savor each segment of their education as en experience in itself and not as a grim preparation for the next step. I wish them the right to experiment, to trip and fall, to learn that defeat is as instructive as victory and is not the end of the world... The road ahead is a long one and it will have more unexpected turns than they think."
William Zinsser, College Pressures

We simply cannot manage life. There is not a map that will not have detours. There is not a plot that will avoid digression. But you know what I say? I say life is found in that digression.

What happens when you mess up? What happens when you get the answer wrong? What happens when you change your mind?
Life keeps going. And perhaps you meet someone new, you discover a talent, you find something that makes you happy, you help someone.... at worst you have learned and grown and evolved. You have opened a world of possibilities.

There is not day that you should not find a way to laugh and enjoy yourself. Smile in the face of life. It is too beautiful a gift not to enjoy it.

Everyone has inside of her a piece of good news. The good news is that you don’t know how great you can be! How much you can love! What you can accomplish! And what your potential is! –Anne Frank
Anne Frank suffered persecution in the Holocaust. We all face battles and challenges. Never degrade yours and act as if your issues don't matter; they do. Mental health is as important as physical health. There are things that hurt is everyday. But, that doesn't mean life-- or any single day-- is a waste. Remember that you never know how wonderful you can truly be, challenge yourself to enjoy everyday and find something to be grateful for. 

Some balls are held for charity
And some for fancy dress
But when they're held for pleasure
They're the balls that I like best
My balls are always bouncing
To the left and to the right
It's my belief that my big balls
Should be held every night
-ACDC, Big Balls

Find humor in simple plays on words, in the irony of the world, in the silly things of your childhood... There is a time to be serious, and there is a time to throw your head back, clap your hands, snort hard, and laugh until you cannot breathe. There is a time to let tears stream down your face and drop to the ground, and a time to jump and dance and let your whole body be giddy. Enjoy all of it! 
"A day without laughter is a day wasted." 
-Charlie Chaplin

There will be regrets, there will be challenges and hardships, there will be pain, there will be so many things you can over analyze and get all caught up in-- but the trick is not to define yourself by those things! Define yourself by beauty! The beauty that is all around you: the beauty of the flowers, of knowledge, of friendships, of a simple touch, of love, of your own wonder. 
This is life. Enjoy it. 

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Take it for what it is and make it yours.

"I do not think we have a 'right' to happiness. If happiness happens, say thanks."
Marlene Dietrich
We don't choose which family we are born into, we don't choose which country or state we live in, we don't choose how many siblings we have, we don't choose our innate talents and abilities, we don't choose the way some people treat us, we don't choose the way other people feel about us.

The truth is we choose very little concerning our circumstances. And we are indebted by nobody, entitled to nothing. However, we choose what we do with our circumstances, we choose how we live.

I believe in romantic realists. A realist accurately assesses a situation and responds reasonably and accordingly; a romantic hopes for the best anyway. Being cynical and downhearted will spare you plenty of disappointment and pain, but you, nor anyone else, will be any better for it.
Disappointment will come, people will hurt you and you will hurt people. Some people will disagree with your opinion and some will disagree with your entire existence. You will scrape your knee. You will lose people. You will fail in your job. You will let loved ones down. People will insult you. It is inevitable that there will be darkness.
But even in the dead of night, the moon offers some light.

You don't have to do things because that's how your parents did them, you don't have to do things the way your leaders did them, you don't have to do things the way your peers and friends do them, you don't even have to do things the way you did them before.

Allow yourself to grow and change. And allow yourself to be happy. When disappointment shows its face, take it and move forward. 

See the beauty in life around you. The world is alive, and you are a part of that. Make your part your own.

"The talent for being happy is appreciating and liking what you have, instead of what you don't have."
-Woody Allen